Constipation Adult

Condition Description

Constipation consists of one or more of the following symptoms

Common Symptoms

  • Excessive straining
  • A sense of incomplete evacuation
  • Failed or lengthy attempts to defecate
  • Hard stools
  • Decreased stool frequency. From optimal health point of view the stool should be formed, odorless, effortless, give a sense of complete emptying, be in the shape of colon cast and be passed at least once a day. Stool passage less than once a day is totally unacceptable

Underlying Causes

  • Yeast overgrowth
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Poor eating habits and diet low in fiber
  • Dehydration
  • Magnesium deficiency

Traditional Approach

  • For constipation of shorter duration like less than three months, look for secondary causes like cancer colon
  • For chronic constipation use fiber like psyllium husks or methylcellulose
  • Laxatives like docusate sodium, milk of magnesia, Epsom salt, lactulose, bisacodyl, sennosides

EHC Approach

  • Laxatives are fine for short time
  • Look for yeast overgrowth and treat it
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Look for hypothyroidism and treat it
  • Increase fiber intake

Success Stories

Condition Treated:

Foods, Candida, Minerals, Thyroid






When I first came to the Allergy Treatment Center I was ready to lay down and give up as I felt so ill and had seen so many, many different doctors but no one could seem to help me or do anything but treat the symptoms and I felt there had to be something wrong besides nerves as several doctors seemed so easy to use as a diagnosis. Since starting treatment with Dr. Sultan the severe stomach bloating, face, hand, and feet swelling, severe muscle and joint pain, extreme fatigue, diarrhea/constipation, confusion and memory loss have, if not entirely disappeared, have greatly improved. I am beginning to think back and cannot believe that I was in such a physical shape. I just cannot believe the improvement in such a short, short time as I have suffered for almost 10 years.

Dr. Sultan’s Comments:

environmental factors can make you deathly ill making you to give up. Looking for the cause can bring a marvelous change from dying to feeling remarkably well. What a success story.

Condition Treated:

Bloating, Constipation, Diarrhea


E. S.




I came in thinking I had IBS and feeling like there was no way I would ever feel better I learned I had Candida and vitamin deficiencies. Now a few months later, with diet and supplements, I feel like I am alive again. I am no longer a slave to my pain. Thank you so much, Doctor Sultan and Staff, for fall your help and hard work.

Dr. Sultan’s Comments:


Condition Treated:



P. H.




Several months ago, I came to Dr. Sultan with problems o constipation irregular periods, cold hands and feet. After some blood work we discovered a problem with my thyroid. I have been treated with Armour and it has shown a significant difference in the symptoms I mentioned above! We have done more blood work and my thyroid levels are where they should be. Another note - I recently went to my annual eye appointment and my eye doctor told me my eyes have improved due to my corrected thyroid.

Dr. Sultan’s Comments:


Condition Treated:

Foods, Candida, Minerals, Thyroid


M. W.




When I first came to the Allergy Treatment Center I was ready to lay down and give up as I felt so ill and had seen so many, many different doctors. No one could seem to help me or do anything but treat the symptoms. I felt there had to be something wrong besides nerves as several doctors seemed so easy to use as a diagnosis. Since starting treatment with Dr. Sultan the severe stomach bloating, face, hand and feet swelling, severe muscle and joint pain, extreme fatigue, diarrhea/constipation, confusion and memory loss has, if not entirely disappeared, has greatly improved. I am beginning to think back and cannot believe that I was in such a physical shape. I just cannot believe the improvement in such a short, short time as I have suffered for almost 10 years!

Dr. Sultan’s Comments:

One of the unfortunate teachings in the medical field is that if a patient comes with multiple complaints it is a “phony” and easily put in psychiatric category. The reality is exactly the opposite. Dr. Theron G. Randolph, father of environmental medicine and my most esteemed physician taught me “the more symptoms a patient has, more sick he is!” doesn’t it make sense”. What a wonderful turnaround is for this patient from full desperation and willing to give up and suffering for ten years to a healthy robust health!

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10:00 am-6:00 pm





